Threats to Native Birds and what we can do

Threats to Native Birds

Source: Birdlife Australia

  • Climate Change
  • Coastal Development
  • Disturbance of Breeding Birds
  • Water Flow Changes in Rivers
  • Changes in Fires and Burning Regimes
  • Habitat Clearance and Fragmentation
  • Invasive Species

What Can I Do to Help?

  • Plant a Bird Friendly Suburban Garden.
  • Revegetate your Farm with Native Trees.
  • Control Feral Species 
    eg Indian Mynas, Feral Cats, Invasive Weeds
  • Join a Local Group that works to protect Threatened Species 
    eg Tamworth Birdwatchers, Landcare
  • Contact your Government Representatives. Encourage them to consider Threatened Species when making Planning and Development decisions.
  • Sign up to a Birdlife Australia Campaign 
    eg “Protect Swift Parrots Forever”
PO Box 2091
Tamworth, NSW, Australia
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