Visiting birdwatchers are welcome to contact the event leader for special events and bird walks and ask to come along.
Sub-committee Meeting | Special Events | Committee Meeting | Full Day Walk | Tuesday Walk |
date | time | activity | where | meet | leader | phone |
16/9/24 | 9:30 am | Committee meeting | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
24/9/24 | 9:00 am | Bird walk | Woonooka | Western side of Daruka Road, opposite Cypress Pine Lane | Sue | 0400 384 029 |
26/9/24 | 4:00 pm | Bird Survey Records Sub-committee | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
28/9/24 | 8:30 am | Bird walk | Quipolly Dam | Bryan Martin Park, Duri Road | Jean | 0428 295 811 |
8/10/24 | Bird walk | Dungowan area | Mandy | 0427 361 740 | ||
14-20/ 10/24 | National Bird Week and | BirdLife Australia’s | Aussie Bird Count | |||
15-18/ 10/24 | Campout | Dorrigo | to be confirmed | Terri | 0429 662 078 | |
19/10/24 | Bird walk | Rangari | Park near aviary Manilla main street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
21/10/24 | 9:30 am | Committee meeting | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
22/10/24 | Bird walk | Moonbi Common | ||||
24/10/24 | 4:00 pm | Bird Survey Records Sub-committee | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
26/10/24 | No bird walk today | Rangari previous Saturday | ||||
26-27/ 10/24 | Twitchathon | Frances | 0413 609 235 | |||
28/10/24 | 10:00 am | ‘Significant Roadside Environment Sign’ launch | West of Rangari and Kelvin Roads corner | followed by a bird walk at Myall Springs | Denise | 0487 914 040 |
4/11/24 | 2:00 pm | Handbook Sub-committee | Innovation Studio above Library | Jan | o432 346 941 | |
12/11/24 | 8:00 am | Bird walk | Bike Park | Bike Park | Terri | 0429 662 078 |
18/11/24 | 9:30 am | Committee meeting | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
26/11/24 | 8:00 am | Bird walk | Kingswood | Kingswood Park | Euan and Gai | 0412 297 690 |
28/11/24 | 4:00 pm | AGM | Bridge Club, Hilton Street | Denise | 0487 914 040 | |
1/12/24 | Bird walk | Kingswood | Kingswood Park INVITE RESIDENTS | Euan and Gai | 0412 297 690 | |
7/12/24 | Christmas Party | to be confirmed | ||||
10/12/24 | 8:30 am | Christmas walk | Eric’s place | Eric’s place | Eric | 6769 7525 |